Spring Challenge Tournament Questions and Answers
How do I register for the Spring Challenge Cup Tournament?
- You must login to the tournament website www.ewzsaslurpeecup.com after you complete your team’s registration you will receive a confirmation email that your registration has been received.
- Keep in mind all teams must be available to play Friday night.
- Make a payment online with your credit card to complete your registration.
- Contact office for e-transfer, 780-451-6453 ext 23
- Registrations are considered complete only once payment has been received.
- Once your registration is complete will your team be added to a group/pool for the tournament. Groups/Pools for the tournament will be created based on current tier and league standings. Careful consideration is taken to create groups/pools made up of teams of similar caliber and strength.
Will I receive a refund if my team drops out of the tournament?
- If your team pulls out of the tournament before May 12, 2024 you will receive a full refund.
- If you team drops out after May 12, 2024 you will forfeit your registration fee.
Can I make schedule requests for the tournament?
- We accept scheduling requests for the following:
- If you are coaching 2 teams in the tournament you can make a request to avoid scheduling conflicts with both teams
- If you have a league game on any of the tournament days you can request to play the tournament games around the league game schedule
- If your players have a graduation you can request to not play on Friday evening
- Our scheduler will do their best to accommodate requests, but that is not always possible and we ask teams to be flexible
- To make a scheduling request, you must put the request in the notes for your team’s profile on the tournament website
- Once the schedules are posted they are considered final and changes will only be made if an error has occurred
- It is the team’s responsibility to watch the schedule for updates as changes may occur
What happens if my team is place on a standby list?
- Your team may be placed on a standby list if the group/ division you are entering is has reached the maximum number of teams we can accept.
- Your team may also be placed on a standby list if we do not have enough teams that match your team’s caliber to create a group for the tournament.
- Teams that are placed on a standby list will be contacted by tournament organizers if an appropriate spot opens up from a team dropping out of the tournament. We will only fill spots with teams of equal caliber.
What is the ASA - Official Provincial Roster?
- The ASA is your official provincial roster form that lists all the players registered on your team with their birth dates and district registration number. You may need to contact your soccer organization for a copy of your ASA. Calgary teams may submit their CMSA roster that is generated from Goaline.
- Every player that participates in the tournament must be registered on a provincial roster, this includes all guest players. If your team is from outside of Alberta, then your travel permit will suffice.
- All official team rosters need to be uploaded directly to the tournament website, whey you are logged into the website select the roster tab and click on the words “Drop your roster here or click to add one.’ You can then add your roster to the website.
What is a tournament roster?
- The tournament roster can be filled out on our website and is the list of players that will play for your team during the tournament. Be sure to check the tournament rules to confirm the correct number of players allowed for your age group and the rules and regulations for using guest players.
- Guest players must be indicated on the tournament roster.
- Once all the players are activated on your tournament roster they will show up on the game sheet. Game sheets will only be available once the schedules are posted.
- The maximum number of players permitted on a team roster is as follows:
· UU11 teams – 16 players
· U13, U15, U17 & U19 teams – 20 players
· A team can only dress and play the number of players that corresponds with their age group for any game in the tournament.
· If you are bringing guest players to replace players that cannot make all tournament games you will need to cross off the players from the game sheet that are not participating in that particular game.
· The Edmonton West Zone will recognize any EMSA teams with existing special dispensation to carry more players than regularly permitted. Any non-EMSA teams will need to submit a letter of approval along with their official team roster from their soccer organization to carry more players than regularly permitted.
What are the guidelines for using guest players?
- Each team will be allowed to us a maximum of three (3) guest players for the tournament.
- All guest players must come from the same district association and be properly registered for the current season in order to be eligible to participate in the tournament.
- The guest player consent form must be completed for each guest player(s) and be signed by the guest player’s current coach as well as a team official from the tentative tournament team.
- Guest player’s official team roster will no longer be required due to privacy concerns, but proof of player registration must be produced if required by tournament organizers.
- All guest players will need to be identified on the team’s tournament roster/game sheets.
- The guest player consent form(s) will need to accompany the game sheet when handed to the referee at the start of each game that the guest player participates in
- Any player listed on the game sheet, but is not participating in that particular game will need to be crossed off the game sheet. The game sheet is to correctly represent the players that will participate in the game as indicated on the game sheet, this includes all guest players.
- A guest player will be allowed under the following conditions:
- Tier 1, 2 & 3 teams – can only use a guest players from a lower age group, lower age category or lower division
- Tier 4 & 5 teams – can use guest players from the same or lower age group, same or lower category, or same or lower division
- Guest players for tier 4 & 5 teams must NOT increase the team’s roster above the original number of registered players. A guest player must only replace a registered player of the team that cannot attend the tournament
- No player will be allowed to play on more than one team for the tournament
- Any team found to have played an ineligible player will forfeit the game.
What fields will my team play on for the tournament?
- Teams will be scheduled to play on fields in the West Edmonton area. All fields are easily accessed by Whitemud or Anthony Henday Drive. There are maps for the field locations on the tournament website.
- All fields will be set up with nets and flags you do not need to bring the equipment. You will need to bring your own soccer balls for warm up as well as a first aid kit for your team. The home team will need to provide a game ball.
Coach Check In
- NEW - One Team official must check in at Headquarters 45 mins prior to your first game of the tournament.
Where do I hand in the game sheets? Where do I go to find tournament stats?
- Official Spring Challenge Tournament game sheets will be used throughout the tournament and are available to print off the website. When your team’s registration is at 100% and the schedules have been posted, you will see the green button “Download Game Sheets” and you can then print your game sheet
- Game sheets are to be completely filled out and given to the game official prior to the start of each tournament gam
- Ensure all players (including all guest players, labeled as “guest”) are listed on the game sheet. Any player not listed on the game sheet prior to kick off will not be eligible to play
- If there are players not playing in that particular game, but are listed on the game sheet, you are required to cross off their names. The players listed are to be the actual players that participated in that game.
- Teams are to ensure that the jersey numbers for each player are correct on the game sheet and correspond with the jersey numbers the players are wearing during the game.
- It is the responsibility of the winning team to bring both game sheets immediately after the game to the tournament headquarters.
· Tournament stats will be updated at www.ewzsaslurpeecup.com during the tournament
Where are the medals presented?
- Gold, Silver and Bronze medals will be awarded to the top three teams in each group. The medals will be presented after the last game in each group has been played and the results have been confirmed by tournament organizers
- U11 teams will have their medal presentations take place at TBA.
- U13 – U17 teams will have their medal presentations take place at TBA
- Medal presentations will take place at the headquarters where the final games are played
What happens if our jerseys conflict with the opposing team?
- If referee determines that the team jerseys conflict in any way it will be the responsibility of the home team to change jerseys or wear alternate color pinnies.